The Cabinet of Ministers proposes that NATO to calculate the damage from destruction and rebuild infrastructure together

The Ministry of Infrastructure will calculate the cost of destruction due to the Russian invasion.

This is stated in the press service of the ministry.

The day before, Alexander Kubrakov addressed the 27 Ministers of Transport and Infrastructure of NATO member states with a proposal to count the losses together and then rebuild it all together.

Johnson hoisted the Ukrainian flag over his London residence
"Today I spoke about the importance of ensuring sustainable logistics between Ukraine and our NATO partners. In particular, I have already had my first conversation with the Secretary of State for Transport of the United Kingdom Grant Schapps.

We also convey to all colleagues a specific list of the needs of the Ukrainian side for reliable and effective resistance to the Russian occupiers. First of all, we are talking about fuel, as well as humanitarian and military assistance.

We record all the losses suffered by Ukraine's infrastructure due to Russia's military invasion. All roads will be restored and bridges rebuilt. I want to remind everyone that if the enemy breaks into Ukraine, our western neighbors will be next", the minister stressed.

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