“Russia will pay a dear price” – Stoltenberg said NATO will keep sending weapons, including anti-air systems, to Ukraine

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that Russia has violated the NATO-Russia Basic Act three times and the agreement no longer works.

He said this at a briefing.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said that Russia has destroyed the peace in Europe and that the people of Ukraine are now fighting for their freedom in the face of Russian aggression.

NATO calls on Russia to end this senseless war immediately, withdraw its troops from Ukraine and return to dialogue.

"The world is calling on Russia and Russia's leadership to respond. Russia is an aggressor, and Belarus is helping. President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, and this is a terrible strategic mistake that Russia will pay dearly for," he said.

He added that Russia's military operation in Ukraine will not strengthen Russia's strategic security. And Russia's main goal is to change the government in Kyiv. Russia is also seeking the withdrawal of NATO forces from Eastern Europe.

Key statements: 

  • NATO intends to provide more assistance to Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Bosnia and Herzegovina to advance democratic reforms.
  • NATO has deployed thousands more troops, more than 100 high-readiness aircraft and more than 120 ships in the East of the Alliance.
  • NATO and the European Union intend to continue the policy of sanctions against Russia, even if it means losses for themselves.
  • NATO will continue to supply weapons to Ukraine, including air defense systems.

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