The President blamed the international community for slow response to Russia's full-scale invasion – "How are you going to defend yourself when you are so slow in helping us in Ukraine?"
At the same time, Zelenskyy thanked partners for the sanctions already imposed. "But Russian tanks are still shooting at houses in our cities"
Canceling visas for Russians, disconnection from SWIFT, complete isolation of Russia, revocation of ambassadors from Russia, the oil embargo, closure of the sky: "Today all of this must be on the table because it is a threat to the whole Europe. We must act without delay."
Zelenskyy called on Europeans to come to Ukrainian embassies in their capitals and offer help. "Also demand from your governments that Ukraine receive more – more financial, more military aid. Because this aid is an aid to you."
"I want to appeal once again to the President of the Russian Federation. Fighting is going on all over Ukraine. Let's sit down at the negotiating table. To stop the death of people."
"And now I want to appeal to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Stand firm. You are all we have. You are all that protects our state."
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