The Village Ukraine reported this.
The broken door symbolizes the broken lives of Crimean Tatars, activists and journalists illegally detained and persecuted by Russia in the occupied Crimea.
"The special services do not knock on the door. For some reason, they always want to knock them out. At the same time, they do it at five in the morning when people are especially defenseless and can't count on the help of lawyers or publicity in the media," said Oksana Honchar, the author of the idea.
The same initiative in support of political prisoners was held not only in Kyiv but also in Berlin near the Brandenburg Gate and in Warsaw, near the Russian embassy. The installation should show: "Hundreds of Crimean Tatars are waiting every night for their doors, and their lives, to be broken."
During the opening of the installation in Kyiv, they also read excerpts from the Crimea, 5 a.m. play, which was attended by Taras Topolшa (Antytila band) and Natalia Halanevych, and Anna Nikitina (Dakh Daughters).
The Crimea, 5 a.m. project aims to get as many people in Ukraine and abroad to know the history of Crimean political prisoners as possible. You can read more about the project here.
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