Russian occupation forces carried out yet another provocation using heavy armament to shell the settlement of Luhansk

Today at around 9 pm, Russian occupation forces carried out yet another provocation with the aim of falsely accusing Ukrainian service members. Aggressor opened heavy armament fire from the settlement of LOBACHEVE targeting LUHANSK.
With Ukrainian defenders refraining from any aggressive acts that could possibly trigger a violent response, the occupation forces continue to destroy civilian infrastructure on the temporarily occupied territories and sporadically shell civilian settlements.
It is obvious that the adversary continues to use the Russian propaganda machine to wage information warfare, to falsely accuse the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to further escalate the situation.
By doing so, the occupation forces once again demonstrated their cowardness and complete disregard for the lives and health of the local civilian population.
This is the official statement and the Joint Forces command would like to inform everyone that the Joint Forces continue to strictly abide by the Minsk Agreements and the International Humanitarian Law. Therefore, the claims about the civilian settlement shelling carried out by the Armed Forces of Ukraine are completely false and provocative, as the only party responsible for those incidents is the aggressor-state.