These are the results of a survey conducted by the Rating sociological group on February 16-17, 2022.
Sociologists note that the number of respondents who believe in their Armed Forces is prevalent in all regions of the country (relatively more in the West and in the Center, relatively less in the East).
At the same time, 19% of respondents rate the probability of a full-scale military invasion of Russia into Ukraine as high; 33%, as average, 20%, as low. 25% of Ukrainians believe that there is no threat.
The number of respondents who don't see a threat varies significantly by region: from 14% in the West to 42% in the East.
Sociologists note that over the past few days, the assessment of the probability of a threat as high has decreased from 28 to 19%. At the same time, the confidence of citizens that Ukraine will be able to repel the attack if the Russian invasion takes place has increased from 58 to 64%.
To recap, according to the latest opinion polls, the number of Ukrainians who are ready to resist in the event of a Russian military invasion of Ukraine is growing. Today, 57.5% of the population is ready to resist in one way or another.
Surveys were conducted among the population of Ukraine aged 18 and older in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. A total of 1722 respondents tried. Survey method: telephone interviews using a computer.
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