This is stated in a statement on the website of the US Senate Committee on International Relations.
It is said that Senator Jim Rich led most of his Republican counterparts in implementing the bill to provide the important support Ukraine needs to protect and deter Russian aggression today, "imposing real costs on the Kremlin for its ongoing and potential future aggression against Ukraine."
"While a 'military' invasion has not yet occurred, there are other ways Russia can attack Ukraine that would be debilitating for Ukrainians and European security more generally," Rich said.
The document, in particular, calls for an immediate halt to the construction of the Nord Stream-2 project and provides for sanctions against the project in the event of a Russian invasion. Sanctions against large banks, as well as the entourage of the President of the Russian Federation, are also proposed.
The bill provides $500 million for foreign military funding (FMF) for Ukraine, including $250 million for emergency assistance, with $100 million for emergency lethal weapons.
It is creating a new Ukrainian Resistance Fund to help Ukraine resist attempts to occupy or subjugate any new territory by Russia while sending a clear message to Putin that his military will pay the price for advancing into sovereign Ukrainian territory.
The document also provides for the establishment of a new land lease body for Ukraine and speeds up the consideration of arms sales and assistance to Ukraine in the security sector in Congress.
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