The gold medal was won by the Chinese Qi Guangpu, and the bronze was taken by the Russian Ilya Burov.
At the last 2018 Olympics, Oleksandr Abramenko became a champion in ski aerials.
According to Abramenko, the competition in Beijing was very difficult because of the tense situation with the coronavirus and the cold, but he managed to cope with the task.
"I'm very happy. This award is for our country. The competition in Beijing was very difficult. It is freezing, the situation with COVID-19. However, I'm very glad that I made such a hard leap. Ukraine, thank you for your support! This medal is for our country and every Ukrainian," said Abramenko, the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine reports.
Also, the freestyler, who carried the flag of Ukraine at the opening ceremony, stated that the myth that the team's flag bearer would not win medals at the Olympics had been finally destroyed.
"As you know, there are many myths that this is a bad omen. But see for yourself, I won a medal. So, carrying the flag of my native state is a great honor and pride! And now I can say that it's a fortune," Abramenko concluded, who brought the first medal at the 2022 Olympics in ski aerials competitions to Ukraine.
33-year-old Abramenko represents the Mykolaiv region. The Beijing Olympics are his fifth in his career. At the previous 2018 Olympics, Oleksandr Abramenko became a champion in ski aerials.
In the 2021-2022 season, the athlete won a bronze medal at the World Cup in Finland in team ski aerials twice. And at the 2019 World Cup Abramenko became a silver medalist.
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