This was stated by the Chair of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during the joint marathon of Right to Power and Your Evening on TV channel 1+1.
"There are two important things we need to convey to every citizen of Ukraine: peace and unity. Everything else will shake the psyche, the nation, the economic situation," Ruslan Stefanchuk stressed.
The Speaker recalled that a meeting had been held on 14 February and noted that none of the factions had left in a panic.
"On the contrary, we have received information that has made it possible to assess more soberly the things that are happening. To understand how ready Ukraine is now to develop different scenarios. As for the Parliament, we are ready for any development of the situation. The deputies are in Kyiv and are ready to work 24/7. Not everyone, but I'm responsible for the productive part of the Parliament, which is now in Ukraine," Ruslan Stefanchuk assured.
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