This opinion was expressed by political expert-Americanist, analyst of Internews-Ukraine Vladyslav Faraponov in his column on Word and Deed.
The expert noted that Ukraine spoke about this format on the eve of President Zelenskyy's visit to the United States in late summer last year but then failed to implement it. This is the so-called bilateral security agreement that the United States has with a number of countries.
"It is important that this is neither an analog nor a substitute for the status of the main ally of the United States outside NATO. This type of agreement is called the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation and Security Guarantees, it has been implemented between Washington and its allies since the 1960s (and, paradoxically, Japan is one of them).
A similar agreement has been signed with Australia, and the United States recently announced the start of talks with Denmark. This is a framework agreement, but it is the basis for more point interaction between America's allies. Almost all similar agreements have a significant history of cooperation. For example, the agreement with Japan in 1960 replaced the agreement of 1951, with other countries the situation is about the same," said Faraponov.
According to the analyst, if not now, then a better time may not come. For Biden, it is also an opportunity to save face and show that the United States continues to support Ukraine. In addition, it will turn the support of Ukraine by both American parties from a theorem to an axiom.
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