
Biden to Zelenskyy: U.S. will respond swiftly and decisively to any further Russian aggression

U.S. President Joe Biden spoke today with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about the security situation around Ukraine, according to a statement posted on the website of the White House.

"President Biden reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. President Biden made clear that the United States would respond swiftly and decisively, together with its Allies and partners, to any further Russian aggression against Ukraine. The two leaders agreed on the importance of continuing to pursue diplomacy and deterrence in response to Russia's military build-up on Ukraine's borders," the statement said.

Russia and Belarus on February 10 launched a joint large-scale military exercise "Allied Resolve 2022" near the border with Ukraine.

In addition, Moscow continues destructive activities in the Azov and Black Sea region, declaring large areas of the Azov and Black Seas unsafe for navigation for the period from February 13 to 19 in connection with exercises involving missile and artillery fire.

According to intelligence, Russia continues to increase the number of tactical military groups on Ukraine's borders.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday, February 11, that Russia had sent more forces to the border with Ukraine and could launch an invasion at any time, including during the Beijing Winter Olympics, which run until February 20.

Earlier, the United States called on Americans in Ukraine to leave immediately due to the "increased threats of Russian military action" against Ukraine and the situation with COVID-19.

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