This was announced on Facebook by the head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak.
"We use our time as productively as possible. The First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Minister of Economy, Yulia Sviridenko, will meet with Vice-Chancellor, Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck, Minister of Finance Christian Lindner, Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Sven Schulze, members of the Bundestag and representatives of German business. The meetings will discuss financial cooperation and support, implementation of bilateral economic cooperation projects, development of transport potential of both countries.
As part of the dialogue with German business, they plan to discuss further bilateral cooperation in the areas of development of "green" energy and water logistics, transport, and trade. We look forward to a constructive dialogue and positive results after all the meetings. Ukraine is not alone, and we will fiercely defend our own interests. We will hold a briefing on the results of the talks at the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany, approximately at 20:00 (but the time may change)," he said.
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