This is stated in a video posted on Twitter by the head of government.
"Ukraine asks for nothing except for peace and sovereignty, able to choose its own destiny and seek its own alliances like any other independent state. Britain has always stood for these principles and we will not flinch now," Johnson said.
Johnson said he had discussed with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg at NATO Headquarters what they could do together and how to help Ukraine.
He stressed that since the end of the Cold War, this had been the largest drawdown of Russian troops to Ukraine's borders and the greatest threat to Europe's security system.
"First of all, we're ensuring we have a very tough package of economic sanctions, ready to go automatically whenever the first toecap of a Russian soldier crosses into the new sovereign territory of Ukraine.
We're ensuring we fortify NATO's eastern frontiers with a lot more deployments of UK troops, ships, and planes countries up and down NATO's eastern frontier," he said.
He also stressed that Britain continues to support Ukraine.
In particular, the provision of 2,000 NLAW anti-tank systems to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Johnson called on the West to be united and determined to avoid a Russian invasion that would be a complete disaster. "A disaster not only for Ukraine but for Russia and the world," the prime minister said.
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