This was announced by the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk during a meeting with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavský, the Republic of Austria, Alexander Schallenberg, and the Slovak Republic, Ivan Korčok.
In particular, during the meeting, Stefanchuk noted that an important area of work this year would be strengthening the parliamentary dimension of the Crimean platform.
He stressed that the visit of the foreign ministers was a strong signal of support for Ukraine from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria.
The participants of the meeting also discussed the parliamentary dimension of the Crimean platform.
In particular, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada announced his intention to ensure better awareness of foreign parliamentarians about the real situation in Crimea. According to him, Ukraine's strategic goal is to create the Crimean Platform International Parliamentary Assembly.
Stefanchuk also stressed the need to intensify cooperation at the level of "friendship groups" of the legislatures of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria, which is "an effective mechanism for developing cooperation between parliaments."
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