The spokesperson of the Federal Government of Germany, Wolfgang Buchner, confirmed this, Ukrinform reports.
"I can confirm the meeting of the political advisers of the Normandy format on February 10 in Berlin," Buchner said.
He noted that this meeting was a continuation of the talks on January 26 in Paris, the first meeting in a long time. An intensive exchange took place in the French capital, which, according to the spokesperson, showed that Ukraine and Russia continued to consider the Minsk agreements as a basis for further negotiations.
"All participants reaffirmed their readiness to make efforts to reduce the current differences of opinion for further progress. This will be discussed in particular during tomorrow's talks," Buchner said.
According to the government representative, Germany is strongly involved in the Normandy format, in which it has a special responsibility and, together with France, makes a special contribution to achieving the de-escalation of tensions in and around Ukraine.
"We need progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements," Buchner said. He called the humanitarian situation in Donbas "depressing" and noted that the German government welcomes all steps that are "in the right direction."
According to media reports, the meeting of advisers should begin at 13:00 Berlin time.
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