American University Kyiv’s operational opening took place in the capital: what is known

The building of the River Station will be ready to accept students in May, the first year of masters will begin their studies at the university in March, and today the co-founders and leaders of the AUK shared details: how long education will last, how much it will cost, and how to enter.

Rector of the University Roman Sheremeta, President Rick Shangraw, and co-founder, former US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker, spoke about the details of the launch of American University Kyiv.

Photo: Rubryka

Rubryka reported about the opening of the American University Kyiv recently after the presentation, which took place at the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, and today even more details became known.

To recap, graduates of the American University Kyiv will be able to receive a double degree, American and Ukrainian, as the university will work in partnership with Arizona State University, the most innovative university in the United States.

Today, in particular, the cost of education has become known for the first time: a year of bachelor's degree will cost students and their parents $8,000, master's degree will cost $9,000.

At the same time, full and partial scholarships, including from sponsors, and a rector's scholarship will be available to help educate those who need them.

The rector of the university, economist Roman Sheremeta, said that although it was a lot of money, studying would be worth it: "It is an investment that can completely change lives," he said.

Similar studies in the United States at various universities cost an average of 25-45 thousand dollars a year.

Photo: Rubryka

The university will be located in the building of the River Station in Kyiv. According to the co-founders, the building will be kept as historic as possible; the frescoes are already being restored inside. A total of $12 million was needed for the restoration: 6 million is invested by investors, and another half is provided by the owner of the building, PJSC Kyiv River Port. The ground floor is now ready, and the entire building will be ready to receive students in May.

Photo: American University Kyiv

Education at the university will be held according to American standards, however, as Rector Roman Sheremeta explained to Rubryka, there will be elements of Ukrainian education: for example, studying Ukrainian will be mandatory, including for foreigners.

By the way, after spending a year studying in the United States online or offline, university graduates will have the opportunity to receive a double degree. At the same time, they plan to exchange students: students from Arizona State University will come to Kyiv. In addition, Roman Sheremeta noted that cooperation with Cintana Education, led by Rick Shangraw, will allow exchanges with universities around the world.

The university will launch two master's programs in March, and five more bachelor's programs will begin in September. More about them, here.

Among the teachers and creators of the curriculum is already Nobel Laureate in Economics, Harvard University professor Vernon Smith. In general, only teachers with a Ph.D. obtained in the relevant university standards and with a high level of English will be eligible to teach at the university. In the future, they plan to open Ph.D. programs at American University Kyiv.

Photo: Rubryka

To enter the American University Kyiv, prospective students will need to pass a Ukrainian EIT, provide proof of English language proficiency at least level B1, and write a cover letter. However, the university offers a flexible education system, which means that training can begin in February when EIT testing hasn't yet taken place. In this case, the student will have to provide post-factum test results in the summer. However, if they are unsatisfactory, the university will have the right to adhere to its own standards.

Photo: Rubryka

The founders call one of the goals of the university the preparation of students for life. "We want to teach them how to think. How to think critically," Sheremeta said.

"This is a vote of confidence in Ukraine," Kurt Volker said.

Photo: Rubryka

The establishment of the university was made possible by the joint efforts of Ukrainian, American, and Georgian investors, including BGV Group Management entrepreneur Hennadiy Butkevych, DTEK, and EPAM.

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