According to the Foreign Ministry, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba announced this on TV on the evening of January 30.
According to the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, together with Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, and the head of the Polish government, Mateusz Morawiecki, will pay working visits to Ukraine at the same time.
The Minister explained that due to network diplomacy, intensive diplomatic contacts of the partners with the Russian side take place in close coordination with Ukraine, and Russia hears a common position agreed with Ukraine everywhere.
"It simply came to our notice then. Only this week we will have three prime ministers of three different countries in Kyiv at the same time," Kuleba said.
The Minister clarified that they were the heads of governments of Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Poland.
"My colleagues from Germany and France will visit Ukraine in a week. In particular, they will pay a visit to Donbas. I called on all partners to see for themselves what war is, what the human problems that people face there are," he said.
Kuleba also announced a series of telephone conversations and online meetings. According to him, the Foreign Ministry will have "two extremely busy diplomatic weeks."
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