The United States releases some details of new possible sanctions against Russia

The White House has released some details of new large-scale sanctions in the event of a new Russian invasion of Ukraine.

A high-ranking American official announced this at a teleconference at the White House, the EP reports.

He noted that the United States, along with its allies and partners, continued to work on a list of tough economic measures that will be imposed against Russia in the event of its further invasion of Ukraine and provide sanctions with far-reaching consequences that weren't considered in 2014.

At the same time, the "gradual" imposition of sanctions is over, and this time the United States "will start from the top of the escalation ladder and stay there," and this signal was conveyed to Russia very clearly.

"The situation in Russian markets, the cost of borrowing, the exchange rate of the Russian currency, and the risk of default reflect the seriousness of the economic consequences that the United States can and will impose on the Russian economy in the event of further invasion," the Ukrainian embassy in the US said.

In addition to financial sanctions, which will have immediate and visible effects from the date of their introduction, the United States is also preparing to implement new export control instruments that will have strategic implications for Russia in the medium term.

In particular, the American side is considering the possibility of imposing restrictions on the supply of high-tech products to Russia, which is currently "an important contribution to Russia's strategic ambitions."

This includes a ban on exports of certain goods and technologies from the United States to Russia, as well as, potentially, a ban on the supply of non-US products that are subject to US export controls.

It is noted that it's not an exhaustive list of sectors of the Russian economy that will suffer as a result of the application of US restrictions.

The United States is considering all options and is united with its allies and partners in deciding to impose serious consequences on Russia in the event of its further invasion of Ukraine.

"While US and EU [sanctions] actions may not be identical, they are united in their intention to have far-reaching consequences that would deal a serious and immediate blow to Russia and, over time, make its economy even more fragile and undermine  Putin's desire to spread influence on the world stage," the summary reads.

US President Joe Biden has reportedly said he would consider personal sanctions against Vladimir Putin if Russia invades Ukraine.

It was also reported that the Biden administration could use the ban on exports of foreign direct production to deprive Russia of semiconductor technology.

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