According to the head of the Alliance, the discussion was not easy, and "significant differences" remain between the bloc and Russia.
Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated this at a press conference after the meeting, quoted by the New York Times.
On January 10, the US and Russian delegations held talks in Geneva on the "security guarantees" that Moscow wants to receive from the West. Then the conversation lasted almost 8 hours.
Today was the second meeting with Russian officials at NATO Headquarters in Brussels in a week.
The Russian delegation was headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Grushko.
NATO was represented by 30 Allies.
According to Stoltenberg, "it was a difficult discussion," but that is why "the meeting was so important."
The Secretary-General noted that NATO and Russia had "a serious and direct exchange of information" on the situation with Ukraine and its implications for European security.
Stoltenberg stressed that NATO allies had called on Russia to de-escalate the situation on the border with Ukraine, as Russia continues to increase troops, move aircraft and military equipment.
"Our differences will not be easy to overcome," Stoltenberg said. He added that NATO was ready for further dialogue with Russia, as it is necessary to "talk more specifically about specific issues."
NATO has confirmed that dialogue is very important, but says it will not compromise on Russia's demands, and will not promise not to expand, as "each country can choose its security path."
Russia has not yet made a statement on the outcome of the talks.
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