This was reported by Eurovision Song Contest Radio.
The list includes the 250 best songs in the history of Eurovision, they are chosen annually by radio listeners.
The first place was taken by the song Euphoria, with which the Swedish singer Loreen won the 2012 contest in Baku.
The second place was taken by the winners of the 2021 competition: the Italian band Måneskin with the song Zitti E Buoni.
The third place belongs to Ukrainians Go_A with SHUM.
Another song of this group Solovei, with which Go_A was to go to Eurovision in 2020, took 128th place.
Jamala's song 1944 took 14th place. With it, Ukraine won the 61st Eurovision Song Contest in 2016.
Verka Serdyuchka with Dancing Lasha Tumbai (2007) has 72nd place, Ruslana with the song Wild Dancing (2004) took 78th place.
Ani Lorak, who represented Ukraine at the 2008 contest with the song Shady Lady, took 108th place.
Zlata Ognevich's song Gravity (2013) has 179th, the song Under The Ladder by Mélovin (2018) got 183rd.
Another Ukrainian Svitlana Loboda took 242nd place with the song Be My Valentine, with which she represented Ukraine at Eurovision-2009.
To recap, on December 30, 2021, the band Go_A announced that it had won the Eurovision Awards in the nomination Most Innovative Stage Production.
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