Фото: Priit Mürk/ERR
Тhe presidential press service reported this after his meeting with Estonian diplomat Matti Maasikas, who serves as head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
"Despite the ongoing hostilities in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainians have remained pro-reform, continuing their efforts to integrate with the European Union. It is a country where democratic values are valued and Estonia supports Ukraine's aspirations towards the European Union and the right of Ukrainians to decide which unions they want to be part of," Karis said at the meeting.
He stated that Estonia highly values the activities of the European Union in Ukraine and will continue to assist the Ukrainians both bilaterally and through various EU initiatives.
It was also stated at the meeting that Russia's possible military action in the region poses a threat to the security of the whole of Europe, not only that of Ukraine, and that the world community's continued support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty is important.
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