This is stated in the New Year's greeting of the Ministry on Facebook.
"Friends, Happy New Year! This holiday is the most anticipated and beloved in our country. And it is a time of results and plans for the future. Despite the challenges, we have learned to work in new conditions. The Ministry's team succeeded in 2021," the greeting says.
The Ministry of Culture thanked the people who care about Ukrainian culture and stressed that their support was needed in their field.
"We wish you to celebrate 2022 with an invincible faith in the good. Good health, bright joy, and boundless happiness to all. Get vaccinated, take care of yourself. Let the family warmth warm your soul, and every house will have a cozy and pleasant atmosphere. May real miracles and unexpected surprises happen," the Ministry wished.
The Ministry also wishes everyone a festive mood, inspiration to visit theaters, cinemas, to discover new, and encourages the creation of new cultural traditions.
As reported, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhii Shkarlet thanked the educators, schoolchildren, students, and their parents for the joint and worthy overcoming of all challenges in congratulating them on the coming New Year and Christmas holidays.
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