This is evidenced by data on the website of the head of state.
The document was registered on September 30 by Artem Prykhodko, who positions himself as an "environmental activist in the Kharkiv region."
"To preserve the environment of Ukraine's land fund and water resources, it is necessary to adopt a draft law amending the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and other legislative acts to increase fines for waste offenses," the petition said.
It is noted that the petition aims to increase fines for waste pollution in improper places, such as 11,600 non-taxable minimum incomes.
It is proposed, in particular, to increase:
"Increasing the size of fines would be a moving lever to influence the minds of citizens and would serve as an additional source of funding for the environment, protection of natural resources, and the sorting of household waste," said the petitioner.
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