Antonov shows its first military transport aircraft with fully digital control

On December 28, the Antonov State Enterprise presented its first military transport aircraft, the An-178-100R-001. The aircraft is designed to conduct flight certification tests.

This was reported by Ukroboronprom, which includes Antonov.

The presented aircraft is designed primarily for transporting people (up to 100), equipment, cargo, paratroopers (up to 86 people), as well as for medical evacuation of wounded and injured (up to 40 people on standard stretchers, 38 people inside seats accompanied by medics).

The An-178-100R aircraft is designed for:

  • transportation of people;
  • transportation of special equipment, machinery, and other cargo;
  • landing of special equipment and paratroopers;
  • medical evacuation of the wounded and injured.


The main objects of transportation of the An-178-100R aircraft:

  • material means, special equipment, material and technical means in standard packaging, as well as on pallets MIL-P-27443E HCU-6E 88″× 108″;
  • people in need of medical evacuation: 40 people on standard sanitary stretchers, 38 people on side seats accompanied by 4 paramedics;
  • people totaling up to 100 people.

The main objects of the landing of the An-178-100R aircraft:

  • paratroopers up to 86 people;
  • cargoes in A-22 containers;
  • loads on Type V/88 platforms.

The aircraft is equipped with hundreds of electronic computers that allow you to integrate all systems and sensors of the aircraft, automate control of their performance and optimize control.


More than 30 Ukrainian companies joined the creation of the aircraft, having mastered the production of 177 components for this aircraft. In particular, for the first time in Ukraine Antonov SE, Ekran STC, FED PJSC, KhAKB SE developed and implemented a modern electronic aircraft control system, a control system for wing mechanization. SE Southern Machine-Building Plant has launched the production of the main racks of the chassis.

Foreign aircraft suppliers from Europe, the USA, and Canada are also involved in the aircraft equipment.

"Ukraine's armed forces need modern military equipment that will increase our capabilities and strengthen national stability. I am confident that this aircraft, the AN-178, in the skillful hands of our pilots, will bring victory to Ukraine," said Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yevhen Moisiuk at the presentation of the aircraft.

The Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Mykola Oleshchuk added that for the quality use and maintenance of the aircraft it was still necessary to prepare the flight crew and specialists of the aviation engineering service.

The First Deputy Minister for Strategic Industries noted that last autumn the government approved the State Targeted Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of the Aviation Industry for 2021-2030, which will promote the creation of new aviation technologies and materials and new jobs in Ukraine.

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