This is evidenced by the results of the annual survey by the Rating sociological group.
The survey shows that younger participants and men were slightly more satisfied with their lives.
Higher-income respondents were also more likely to report success and life satisfaction.
One-third of Ukrainians were able to implement all or most of their plans in 2021.
Another half managed to partially implement the plans and only 13% said they did not succeed.
Ukrainians also assessed the success of this year: for every third, the year was successful; for half, it was mediocre, and only for every tenth, the year was not successful at all.
Also, more than 40% of respondents this year often experienced stress.
Another 29% of respondents were sometimes stressed, 22% were rarely or very rarely stressed, and only 7% were never stressed.
Low-income people and women were more likely to talk about stress.
In 2021, Ukrainians felt love for others much more often than love for themselves.
Relatively often, they also felt joy, sadness, and anger. Less often, surprise, and least often, fear.
The more often people experience emotions of joy and love, the more successful they evaluate their year, as well as the more satisfied they are with life and the less they report stress.
Emotions of joy and self-love are most correlated with the pleasure of living in general.
At the same time, fear, sadness, and anger were directly related to the stress and low grades of the year.
The polls were conducted on December 4-7, 2021 in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. 1,600 respondents aged 18 and older participated. The sample is representative of age, sex, and type of settlement. The error of representativeness of the study with a confidence level of 0.95 is not more than 2.4%.
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