During the visit, 3 Ukrainian manufacturers signed agreements with well-known local companies to export their goods to Saudi Arabia and other countries of the Gulf region, as the press service of the department of external affairs informed.
"The department of external affairs makes a lot of efforts for increasing Ukrainian food products export to the Gulf countries, that are considered by Ukrainian businessmen as a promising market. The consulates of Ukraine in this area have intensified conversations with the local business to find business associates for our country companies and note that Ukrainian foods have high potential on the market. We actively create a positive image of Ukrainian goods and its promotion in this region," minister of foreign affairs Dmytro Kuleba said.
They added that several other Ukrainian confectionery enterprises were in the final stages of negotiating contracts with Saudi importers and distributors.
Ukrainian confectionery companies united into the alliance called Ukrkondprom. It acts on behalf of the sweets corporation Roshen, confectionery factory Kharkiv, Kharkiv Biscuit Factory, Poltava Confectioner. The Association consists of 28 enterprises — mostly small and medium-sized businesses. They account for 85% of Ukrainian exports of pastry goods.
Sweets from Kharkiv enterprises are exported to Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, the USA, Canada, Israel, and other countries.
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