Ukraine ready to implement Minsk agreements, but Russia’s desire needed – Yermak

The head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, has said that Ukraine is ready to implement the Minsk agreements, but what is needed is a clear plan for the de-occupation of part of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and Russia's desire to fulfill its commitments.

He stated this in an interview with the Focus magazine.

"Ukraine has repeatedly demonstrated to the world that it is persistent in fulfilling all of its commitments. And we always say that our country is ready to continue to implement the Minsk agreements, but there must be a clear plan for the de-occupation of part of two regions of Ukraine," Yermak said.

At the same time, he stressed that the Russian side must also show its desire to implement the Minsk agreements, from full compliance with the ceasefire to other agreements reached at the Normandy Four summit in Paris.

"That's because Minsk agreements themselves contain several provisions that can be interpreted differently by the parties. Today we need a clear mechanism for their implementation. And we must start with the agreements already reached by the leaders of the four states. That's what the latest proposals by Ukraine are based on," Yermak said.

However, he stressed that the referendum on eastern Ukraine was not currently being discussed.

"[Ukrainian President] Volodymyr Zelensky noted that he, as the president who professes the principle of democracy, believes that if the society raises an issue that requires the opinion of all the people of Ukraine, such referendums should take place. The president said he did not reject the idea of holding the referendum. But we are not talking about it at the moment," Yermak said.

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