A schoolboy from Dnipro developing a device to monitor the situation in a car without a driver

A student from Dnipro is developing a system of special sensors that will monitor the temperature, humidity, movement inside the car, as well as the carbon dioxide content in the owner's absence.

This is stated in the story by PRoector.

Illia Riabko is developing a smart system of sensors that will help save animals and people left in cars. The device is attached to the roof of the car in the salon. The "box" has sensors that monitor temperature, humidity, movement inside the car, carbon dioxide content. All data appear on a special site and reach the owner of the car on the phone.

In the future, Illia wants to improve the device so that it is possible to provide assistance remotely: open the window remotely, turn on climate control by phone.

He also wants to automatically send information about the car to the SES. The project site is already working. There is a training device and a car. The student has to make remote control and reduce the size of the "box" of the device, which will save lives.

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