Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service received 3 more helicopters from France

Currently, under the Ukrainian-French contract, the Border Guard Service of Ukraine already has 7 H125 helicopters of the French company Airbus Helicopter.

The first four helicopters arrived in Ukraine in January 2020 and November 2021. Today, three helicopters arrived in Lviv, the State Border Service's press service reports. And if weather conditions allow, their flight to the capital will take place tomorrow, December 23.

These are new AIRBUS H125 helicopters, which are supplied under an agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the French Republic.

In total, as part of the creation of the Unified System of Aviation Security and Civil Protection in Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is to receive 24 new H125 helicopters from the French company Airbus Helicopter.

The three helicopters that arrived in Lviv today have modern powerful equipment for detecting and stopping offenses at the state border.

Among other things, the helicopters are equipped with an optoelectronic surveillance system that allows monitoring, including the infrared mode. At the same time, the thermal imaging camera allows you to detect a vehicle at a distance of up to 20 kilometers.

The equipment allows not only to record video in high quality but also to transmit it in real-time with the help of satellite equipment. Helicopters are also equipped with a warning system with loudspeakers and specialized aviation searchlights, which can be used synchronously with the system of optoelectronic surveillance.

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