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The head of the Ukrainian state said this in a post on Twitter.
"I am glad to see my true friends – Andrzej Duda and Gitanas Nauseda – in the snowy Carpathians. Within the Lublin Triangle, we are talking about security and coordinating our further steps to counter common challenges," Zelensky wrote.
The presidents of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania are participating in the Lublin Triangle summit on Monday at the Syniohora residence in the village of Huta, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
The Lublin Triangle was formed in July 2020 by the foreign ministers of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, who signed a joint declaration on the establishment of a new regional alliance. Among the priorities of the format are strengthening the region, strengthening security, Ukraine's integration into the EU and NATO, the development of economic cooperation, and joint counteraction to hybrid threats.
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