As the press service of the Head of State informs, the foreign policy results of the outgoing year were summed up and the tasks for the future were outlined during the conversation with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions on December 17.
"We have launched the Crimea Platform. We held the impactful Ukraine-EU summit. Ukraine will continue to develop relations with the EU and NATO, fill cooperation with key partners with new, concrete projects and meanings. We will strengthen defense capabilities, we will introduce changes in our country, modernize the economy," Zelenskyy said.
The Head of State also told the meeting participants about important steps towards transformations in Ukraine, in particular, about the course of reforms.
"We have unlocked judicial reform. We have launched the most important process of de-oligarchization," the President said.
The meeting participants paid special attention to the discussion of the security situation on the borders of Ukraine and the process of peaceful settlement in Donbas.
Zelenskyy noted the importance of stepping up the work of all negotiation formats to de-escalate the situation.
The President of Ukraine thanked international partners for their support and assistance provided.
"For me personally, it is important to see that international support for Ukraine is growing from year to year. This, I believe, is a common key result of our work. We feel that the democratic world understands better the role of Ukraine in the region, above all, for the sake of European security. I appreciate the personal efforts of each of you. I hope that we will be able to achieve even better results next year," he said.
The Head of State invited the leaders of G7 and EU member states to visit Ukraine.
"I look forward to seeing all the leaders of your countries in Ukraine next year," Zelenskyy said.
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