"We also plan to hold a meeting within the framework of next dialogue in early 2022, and at this meeting we will focus on attracting resources for green transformation within the large European investment plan, which was also announced as part of the Eastern Partnership and will be a priority for us," Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Olha Stefanishyna said during a round table meeting "What do we need to know about EU–Ukraine Green Deal dialogue?", an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
Stefanishyna added that Ukraine had already defined priority areas (fair transformation of coal regions, energy efficiency, full implementation of second nationally determined contribution). It is time to understand to which extent the international partners are ready to support our country financially to accelerate the achievement of these goals, the official noted.
"We would like their resources to be distributed across the territory of Ukraine as well," the Deputy Prime Minister stressed.
The talks will also focus on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the 2022 French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
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