The minister summed up the results of 2021 during an online briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
According to the chief Ukrainian diplomat, ten major victories are as follows:
Kuleba called the creation of a holistic Foreign Policy Strategy the main achievement of the year.
"For the first time, the strategy structured our foreign policy, clearly balanced our interests and capabilities and brought our policy to a new level, made it proactive. Thanks to the Strategy, despite all the challenges and threats, Ukraine sees 2022 in with the strongest international positions since the independence," the minister said.
He stressed that the document leaves in the past multi-vector, non-aligned status, uncertainty, dependence on partnership, inferiority. "… And other defects of state growth, which we, unfortunately, suffered over the first decades after the restoration of Ukraine's independence," Kuleba stressed.
As reported, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine approved the Foreign Policy Strategy on July 30.
On August 26, President Volodymyr Zelensky enacted the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of July 30, 2021 "On Foreign Policy Strategy of Ukraine".
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