Plast Uzhhorod writes about this.
The Light of Bethlehem unites Christians every year before Christmas, overcoming borders.
The campaign was launched in 1986 by the Austrian Broadcasting Company as a charity to bring the light from the symbolic birthplace of Jesus Christ to those who celebrate Christmas outside their homes, in hospitals, orphanages, and more. That same year, the initiative was picked up by Vienna scouts.
At the end of November every year, the Light from Bethlehem is brought to Europe by plane in a special container by Austrian scouts, and from Vienna, it travels "scout relay" across Europe. From Austria via Slovakia and Poland and Ukraine.
In Ukraine, the tradition dates back to 1999. The light is spread by plastoons. Every year, they pass the Peace Light off Bethlehem to urban communities, hospitals, schools, orphanages, and government agencies throughout Ukraine.
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