Germany’s new chancellor: We want everyone to respect integrity of borders

Germany's new chancellor, Olaf Scholz, stressed that the integrity of borders remains the most important principle for maintaining security in Europe.

"For security and cooperation in Europe, the integrity of borders is the most important principle that works for everyone as it enhances our common security," Scholz said in an interview with Welt TV channel.

According to the Chancellor, it is important that NATO and the EU "with all their might" unanimously and clearly state that this is a principle that everyone must adhere to.

He added that Germany and its partners are working hard to "avoid the confrontations we experienced before."

At the same time, Scholz did not answer the question of how real he considers the threat of new Russian aggression against Ukraine. He also did not comment on whether Berlin is ready to question the future of the Nord Stream 2 project in case of Russian aggression. But he reiterated: "We have a very clear view: we want everyone to respect the integrity of borders. Everyone understands that there will be consequences…"

Regarding the commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Scholz said that the Federal Network Agency will make a decision in the near future.

As reported, the day before, Joe Biden warned President Vladimir Putin about possible economic sanctions, including on Nord Stream 2, if Russia attacks Ukraine.

On Thursday, November 9, the German Bundestag will hold an emergency parliamentary hearing on the stance of the Federal Government on the build-up of Russian troops along the state borders of Ukraine.

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