New addition near Vernadsky station: baby penguins were born

The first penguins were born on our island of Galindez, where the Ukrainian Antarctic scientific station, Akademik Vernadsky, is located. One was born on Cape Marina, near the station, and the other one, on the other side, at Cape Penguin Point.

The National Antarctic Research Center reported this.

"During the first month, the young ones will stay in the nest: they will be warmed, fed, and protected by their parents. By the way, with hatching eggs, a pair of penguins take turns. While one sits on the nest, another goes to the ocean to hunt, and in a few days, they change.

Now the kids are hilarious and awkward, and instead of the usual black and white feathers, they are covered with a gray down. In about a month, they will start shedding and changing clothes, as well as leave their nests and gather in the 'nursery.' At this time, both parents will be able to walk in the ocean on wings and will continue to feed their children. Interestingly, they unmistakably find their offspring in the 'nursery' and share food only with them.

Only after molting will penguins (which by that time will be the size of their parents) learn to swim in the ocean and make their food. We'll show you how all this will happen 😇 For now, let us remind you that the most common species near the Akademik Vernadsky station is the Gentoo penguin: in summer there can be up to 4,000 of them.

In recent weeks, up to 3,700 Gentoos have been on our island. Due to constant blizzards, their nests are periodically covered with snow, but they are adapted to this.

Early this year, the penguins began nesting near the station. They laid their first eggs in early November, although this used to be closer to mid-November. Therefore, the babies appeared earlier than usual. For example, last year the first penguins hatched on December 19, just before St. Nicholas Day," said Ukrainian polar explorers.

Photo: Oksana Savenko

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