The press service of the Dnipro City Council reported this.
After scanning the QR code on the bracelet, you can see information about the person's disease, blood type, allergies, contacts of powers of attorney, as well as the name, date of birth, and how to provide emergency care.
"The project aims to reduce the number of passers-by passing by people lying on the street because they think they are intoxicated. Bracelets make it clear that the individual needs help. To date, we have distributed 600 bracelets, 500 of which are provided service in the territorial centers. We are planning to continue this initiative next year," said Roman Herasimchuk, deputy chairperson of the board of the Foundation for Social Initiatives, and said he planned to continue the initiative next year.
The statement says that about 15,000 people in Dnipro need such bracelets. These include people with diabetes, hypertension, mental illness, as well as the elderly and those with memory impairment or epilepsy. You can get a bracelet by contacting the territorial center; for this, you will need to fill out a form and agree to the processing of personal data.
According to Kateryna Avdieieva, a social work specialist at the Dnipro City Territorial Center for Social Services, the survey lasts about 10-15 minutes.
"We ask for name, phone number, blood type, information about allergies and chronic diseases, contact details. In the territorial center of Shevchenkivskyi city district, about 800 people are assisted. Half of them need such bracelets," said Avdieieva.
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