That's according to Deputy Defense Minister Anna Maliar, Ukrinform reports.
"In 2022, we plan to hold 10 multinational exercises on the territory of Ukraine and are set to involve about 21,500 Ukrainian forces and about 11,000 foreign participants," Maliar wrote on Facebook.
Also, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will take part in 16 multinational exercises outside Ukraine, the senior official added.
According to the Deputy Minister, participation in such exercises is aimed to achieve better interoperability between Ukraine's Armed Forces and those of the NATO member states, and to develop modern approaches to the use of troops.
Also, she stressed, the actions of different forces are being coordinated, the acquired knowledge and skills are being tested, and experience – shared.
"Ultimately, this is a powerful demonstration of solidarity and readiness for joint action and defense capabilities," Maliar said.
It is intended to cover the costs related to the preparation and conduct of multinational exercises on the territory of Ukraine and beyond within the approved defense allocations for 2022, the official concluded.
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