"Naftogaz continues to actively cooperate with EU institutions, including the European Commission. One of the results of this cooperation was Naftogaz's accession to the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance,"the report reads.
Within this organization, Naftogaz will look for potential partners to implement hydrogen projects and exchange experiences with other members of the alliance, as the company has ambitions to become a national leader in hydrogen production for exports to EU countries.
The company recalled that the EU has declared its intention to achieve climate neutrality on the European continent by 2050, hoping that green hydrogen will play a key role in the decarbonisation of a number of sectors of the economy. Ukraine has been identified as a priority partner of the EU in the implementation of the EU Hydrogen Strategy, part of the European Green Deal, and the supply of hydrogen to the European market.
Naftogaz this August signed a memorandum of cooperation with Germany's largest power producer RWE. Both companies will work together on projects to produce green hydrogen for its exports to Germany.
In November this year, Naftogaz and Ukraine's gas pipeline operator Ukrtransgaz joined the H2EU+Store initiative, which envisages the production of green hydrogen from renewable energy sources in western Ukraine.
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