This was announced by the head of the State Space Agency, Volodymyr Taftai.
According to him, in the coming days, the satellite will be sent from Dnipro to the United States to the launch base at Cape Canaveral in Florida. Taftai says that all the parameters of the satellite meet the technical requirements.
"In the United States, they will carry out work to prepare the satellite for launch and its docking with the launch vehicle," said the head of the agency.
The launch of the satellite by Elon Musk's SpaceX is scheduled for January 10, 2022. The satellite was originally scheduled to launch in December 2021, but SpaceX postponed the flight.
The cost of launching the Ukrainian satellite Sich 2-30 by SpaceX will cost the State Space Agency of Ukraine $1.99 million.
The state design bureau "Southern" named after M.K. Yangel concluded the contract with the European company ISILAUNCH, which cooperates with SpaceX to launch it into orbit.
"Sich" was developed in SE "Southern." It is designed to obtain digital images of the Earth's surface in the visible and near- ranges, as well as to monitor the parameters of the planet's magnetosphere.
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