This was announced on Facebook by the head of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Department of Urban Development of the Lviv City Council, Oleksandra Sladkova.
"Zero Waste Lviv and the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Department of Urban Development of the Lviv City Council are starting a project to collect another type of hazardous waste: medications from a home medicine cabinet. After all, drugs, and especially antibiotics, must stop entering the environment. The release of antibiotics into the environment makes the bacteria resistant, so the existing drugs stop working," said Sladkova.
According to Zero Waste Lviv, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral drugs, antidepressants, and hormonal drugs should be brought to the correct and safe disposal.
"Medications from this list are dangerous for the environment, they should not be thrown away or drained into the sewer. But currently, no city in Ukraine has a centralized system for collecting them. We're testing different options for container placement, and upon completion of the project we will prepare recommendations for the development of such a system in Lviv," the organizers said.
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