📍 The 16 Days Against Violence campaign covers the following important dates:
The major objectives of the "16 Days Against Violence" campaign are to draw public attention to two pressing issues: preventing and combating domestic violence and human trafficking, as well as intensifying the activities of government agencies and public associations to combine human rights efforts.
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this problem through lockdowns, but also made it less visible since we see fewer of those who can support and hide our faces under masks.
The United Nations is proposing to wear orange clothing or accessories these days to express solidarity with the movement for a future free of violence against women and girls. Many cities around the world will host events, and famous buildings will be illuminated in orange.
The day was officially declared by the UN General Assembly in 1999, but it began in 1981 to commemorate the tragic death of three Mirabelle sisters who were brutally killed during the dictatorship of Dominican ruler Rafael Trujillo in 1960.
Since 1991, the "16 Days of Activism against Violence" campaign has been supported in 100 countries around the world to increase understanding and awareness of all forms of violence and to create a social space free of violence.
To join the flash mob, you need to paint your nails orange or wear something orange, take a photo with a gesture of support, and post the text together on your social media. The text can be your own, or as follows:
It can be your girlfriend, sister, colleague, client. According to the WHO, one in three women in the world has experienced violence. Right now, she may be suffering from domestic violence.
A close person beats her, humiliates her, mocks her. She needs your help and support. But to tell someone, even the closest ones, about this is scary and embarrassing.
Show her that you can be trusted. That you will not shame her, condemn her, devalue her, teach her. Remind her that she is valuable and needed, that she deserves happiness and the best treatment.
What shall I do?
Paint nails with orange, or wear something orange, take a photo with a gesture of support, and post this or your text on your social media. And let the whole news feed turn orange, and there will be no reason to silence violence.
Why orange?
It is the official color of combating domestic violence, symbolizing a bright and cruel future. It is also called "flamma amoris et caritatis" – the flame of love and mercy.
It is also the official color of the global campaign "16 Days against Violence", which is celebrated annually from November 25 to December 10.
Add the hashtag #Помаранчевий_тренд_листопада so that everyone who needs words of support can read them all in one place."
According to the United Nations, about 4 million Ukrainian women suffer from domestic violence each year. And only 10-15% seek help.
In Ukraine, approximately 600 women die each year from domestic violence.
Ukraine joined the "16 Days against Violence" campaign in 2001. A year later, the events and initiatives of the activism, proclaimed by the Second All-Ukrainian Congress of Women, took place in 20 regions of Ukraine, uniting 75 all-Ukrainian public organizations and a wide range of government officials. Such activity testifies to the urgency of the problem of overcoming violence in our state, the search in communities and government structures for the optimal mechanism for responding to both common social problems and specific human misery.
The Ministry of Education and Science recommends that educational institutions organize and conduct training sessions and other events on the occasion of the European Day for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and the All-Ukrainian Movement "16 Days Against Violence."
The corresponding letter was sent to the addresses of the regional departments of education and science.
It is recommended that schools post information about the planned activities on their websites and inform the participants of the educational process.
To prepare for the lesson, it is recommended to use materials that have been prepared within the framework of the Council of Europe project, "Combating Violence against Children in Ukraine":
All materials of the "Combating Violence against Children in Ukraine" Project are available on the website of the Office of the Council of Europe, which can be used by teachers, social educators, practical psychologists during preventive and explanatory work on violence prevention.
Violence can be economic, sexual, physical, psychological. And to overcome any of its forms, you should start talking and asking for help. It is a hard step for the victims, sometimes they're making decisions for years… So, if there are such people around you, support them. Violence should not be left behind the seemingly safe home. Abusers do not stop after sincere repentance but continue to commit violence.
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