Photo: Andrew Simon/Facebook
This was stated by Oksana Vernydub, a researcher at the Institute for Education Content Modernization of the Ministry of Education and Science, who accompanied the Ukrainian team during the Olympics, Hromadske reports.
The team consisted of 9 children and all received awards. This year's Olympiad was organized by Colombia, but due to quarantine restrictions, it was held in a "hybrid" format. Yes, the main jury worked there, and in parallel, the works were checked in Ukraine.
The participants themselves also worked in their countries. The Ukrainian team gathered at the laboratory of the Minor Academy of Sciences in Kyiv.
Vernidub notes that such achievements of the Ukrainian team are an excellent result.
"Astronomy and astrophysics aren't old Olympiads, and for all the time we have, it seems, we have 3 gold medals, about 15 silver, and even more bronze. This year the result is that 9 participants and all 9 with medals. This is a good result," says the scientist.
It should be noted that participants in international student competitions must be not older than 18 years old and high school students. But it is allowed if the child graduated from school this year and became a student.
Olympiads in Ukraine
In 2022, for the first time in history, Ukraine will officially host two international student competitions. Thus, in December, students will gather in Ukraine for a scientific youth scientific Olympiad in natural sciences. And on August 12-21, 2022, Ukraine will host the 15th International Student Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics for high school students (IOAA). Their organizer will be the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
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