Suspilne reported this.
"At the end of June 2021, Olia and Yura packed their bicycles and went by train to the west of the country. And on July 1, their cycling trip started from Chernivtsi," the message says.
According to the cyclists, they initially planned to cover 3,555 km but covered almost twice as much, about 6,000 km. During the trip, they learned about the cool places they decided to visit mainly from the locals. They stopped at different times in different settlements. The travelers spent the most time in Lviv, where they stayed for 11 days.
Olha Bilinska noted that in Ukraine you can travel freely; almost everywhere you can put up a tent and launch a drone, communicate freely with people.
"We also like Ukrainian food compared to Asian. Well, the bombastic nature is another bonus. The weather was the most difficult because it was cold in September, but we continued to go because it was not critical," she added.
The trip was filmed by cyclists, and the video will later appear on their YouTube channel. They plan to release at least twenty videos. They also write posts on Facebook and articles on their website to motivate people to such trips.
It is noted that Olha Bilinska and Yurii Vasyliev are experienced travelers. They visited 13 countries on bicycles. Currently, their longest journey is eight and a half months in Sri Lanka.
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