This was reported by Ekoltava.
Therefore, to draw attention to this situation, local dendrologist Nadia Palivoda went on a hunger strike. On October 25, a civic activist was sitting under the city council with a sign reading "I'm on a hunger strike against the destruction of Central Square for the sake of McDonald's."
The activist was supported by a lot of people, journalists wrote a lot about this situation.
This created a resonance throughout Ukraine!
The mayor of Kropyvnytskyi, Andrii Raikovych, promised to invite Nadia Palivoda to the working group of the city council, which deals with the issue of the park.
Earlier, Roman Lunhol, the head of the Department of Land Relations and the Protection of the Former Surrounding Area of the City Council, said that within the reconstruction, they plan to eliminate the dangerous basements.
Ecoltava activists believe that the preservation of green areas in Ukrainian cities is critical, as they significantly reduce the temperature in the city during the summer heat and improve air quality.
"To join the resistance to the destruction of parks, join the group. Ekoltava launches a flash mob to support Kropyvnytskyi residents who want to preserve their park. Terms of participation: take a photo or video with a poster in support of the park in Kropyvnytskyi, post it on social media. Join!" the message said.
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