A phone conversation between the two officials took place on Friday evening, November 12, Ukrinform reports, referring to the president's press service.
"We are grateful for the consolidated support of the world community and Canada. We feel it," said the Head of the President's Office.
Yermak stressed the importance of Canada's assistance in realizing Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations, and expressed gratitude for Canada's unwavering support for Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity.
In addition, the parties discussed the difficult situation arising from the migrant crisis on the European-Belarusian border.
Freeland also praised the efforts of the President of Ukraine in the fight against the oligarchic system, in particular the adoption of the law on de-oligarchization.
The interlocutors separately discussed ways to further develop cooperation within the Crimea Platform.
Yermak also informed Freeland about the results of his recent visit to the United States.
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