The State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine wrote about this on its Facebook page.
"The first nine months of 2021 were marked by a gradual resumption of tourist flows, both in Ukraine and in the world as a whole. There was a significant reorganization of tourist routes and an increase in domestic travel. We note a rise in the number of tourists to Ukraine by 12.6% compared with the first three quarters of 2020. In 2021, more than 3 million foreigners have come to Ukraine so far," reads the report.
As of October 2021, 70% of foreigners visiting Ukraine were Europeans, 25.5% of tourists came from Asia, 3% of tourists arrived from North America, 1.4% from Africa, 0.6% and 0.2% from Oceania and South America, respectively.
In terms of the number of foreigners entering Ukraine, the TOP 15 countries were Moldova (744.6 thousand tourists), Russia (411.4 thousand), Poland (209.04 thousand), Romania (200.4 thousand), Belarus (199.6 thousand), Turkey (almost 172 thousand), Hungary (152.4 thousand), Germany (111.7 thousand), Israel (96.25 thousand), USA (81.6 thousand), Saudi Arabia (48.7 thousand), Italy (39.5 thousand), Great Britain (37.4 thousand), India (34.9 thousand), and Azerbaijan (33.4 thousand).
As reported, in October, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the start of a state program on the development of tourist magnets.
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