The poll revealed that if a respective referendum were held today, 62% of respondents would support Ukraine's accession to the EU, and 32% would oppose it.
At the same time, 58% of respondents would be in favor of Ukraine's joining NATO, and 35% would oppose it.
According to the poll, residents of the country's western and central regions are the most loyal to European integration, unlike residents of the eastern regions, where less than half support Ukraine's accession to the EU and NATO.
At the same time, those most skeptical about Ukraine's joining the EU and NATO are the voters of the Opposition Platform – For Life party and the parties of Andriy Shariy and Yevhen Muraiev.
The survey was conducted among residents of Ukraine aged 18 and older in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donetsk and Luhansk regions. A total of 5,000 respondents were interviewed.
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