Bears lairs set up in a rehabilitation center in Khmelnytskyi region

In the Khmelnytskyi region, employees of the Arden Predator Park Rehabilitation Center are helping bears set up lairs for the winter.
The Suspilne reported this.
"We had half of the bears last year, so some of them have already wintered. Our employees saw both the pros and cons of the lair. This year, many lairs were built as close as possible to natural conditions," said the head of the excursion department of the predators' park, Petro Kravtsov.
According to him, 24 bears, 10 wolves, 10 foxes, and birds of prey live in the rehabilitation center.
Wolves and foxes prepare their burrows for wintering on their own. They dig them under fallen trees, old trunks, rhizomes.
Predators like to eat chicken, beef, fish. But bears like vegetables, carrots, apples.