Lesia Duda, the girl's mother and the initiator of the Khrystia and Bomko project, told Ukrinform about this.
"When my child began to learn the language, we had a question of compliance with the language norm. The idea arose to create a project to try to give a language norm from an early age or at least pay attention to it. We understood we wanted to create a quality product. To test our strength and understand how well my daughter and I will manage (she was 3 years old at the time of the idea's origin), we started to curate Khrystyna Malyna's Instagram page. Here, with short videos, Khrystia tried to convey what was right/wrong to the audience in a childish way," says Duda.
Lesia Duda, a professional philologist and founder of the Slovo na nOvo language worksho, has experience teaching Ukrainian to adults. However, the woman realized that she needed to pay attention to the language from an early age. Therefore, she wrote a project, which she submitted to the competition to the Ukrainian Cultural Fund, the total budget of which is UAH 289,000, of which UAH 74,000 was collected on the Spilnokosht platform.
According to the initiator of the project, they created a team based on children's video blogs, meticulously choosing a partner for Khrystia who would be able to communicate in the frame with the youngest. Bomko is a professional actor with experience in children's theater. The whole learning process takes place in the form of a game.
The team involved a child psychologist, with whom they consulted during the creation of scripts, discussed the image of Bomko.
According to the plot, Khrystia meets an unknown creature who can not talk on the playground. All this creature can do is say "bom." That's why the girl gives him a name, Bomko. Khrystia and Bomko became friends and spend time together. During various entertainments, the girl teaches her new friend to speak Ukrainian correctly.
The initiators also involved famous Ukrainians in the work on the series.
In particular, Taras Topolia ("Antytila"), ONUKA, Yevhen Klopotenko, Alyona Alyona, Svitlana Tarabarova, Natalka Karpa, Khrystyna Solovii took part in the project. This initiative was aimed at promoting the project among adults, as the child learns the language of the environment where they grow up. In addition, the project received support and promotion from State Language Commissioner Taras Kremin.
Currently, the shooting of the children's project "Khrystia and Bomko" is completed. 10 videos and the educational complex of the program have been published. Video tutorials in the form of a game have gained thousands of likes from fans.
The project team is now working to get more users to watch the videos. Lesia Duda plans to cooperate with kindergartens and development centers. On November 11, the team will organize an online meeting for everyone to talk about their project and its life off-screen.
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